A "starter" blog developed by Signy's Secret Santa at UBC Career Services. This BLOG is all about Signy and it's all GOOD.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Stay Current, Check Out My Regular Blog

If you have made it to this blog, and have noticed how very out of date it is, and are wondering what I am up to currently... well, click onto my other blog, Team Signy, that I keep updated regularly with the details of how I beat cancer and what I do to keep my body, mind and spirit healthy!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Back at the Helm

Well, well, well. Now it is my turn, with Santa revealed and me taking the preverbial reindeer reins, it is over to me to maintain this blog or ...? So, I will start the experiment and see what happens. Experienced bloggers, wish me luck!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More fun than a sleigh ride

Well Signy, this is my last post as I have to get back to the shop and help the elves get ready for the big day. Seeing you get so much pleasure out of your blog has been more fun than a sleigh ride on Christmas eve. You are everything that everyone has said about you and more. Have a wonderful Christmas and "happy blogging"


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Signy is Dance

Dance for me is the perfect metaphor for Signy and her attitude towards life.
"You've just got to dance with it" is one of Signy's favorite mantras.......
Like Signy .......
Dance is collaborative and synchronistic
It can be spontaneous or choreographed
It celebrates play and exuberance,
It's evocative and sensual
It blends the emotional with the intellectual
It can be responsive and directive
Dance is communicative,
Dance is open
Dance is inviting
Dance is beauty...

Love Una

Monday, December 05, 2005

What about Stuart ?


It's Angus here. I just got back from a 2 year trip around Scotland and I try to look you and Stuart up when I get back and I happen across this wee blog. Well I wouldn't want to be offendin anyone - least of all your secret santa but isnt this blog a bit Signy Signy Signy? I mean I've read it through 3 or 4 times now and there's not a word about Stuart. It's like he's been done in or somethin. Now I know he's not all compassionate like you are (especially after he's been into the stout) but he's a darn good guy and I'd like to see him given a wee bit of respect. He's sharp as a whip and he's not afraid of speakin his mind and come on - we both know he's funny as hell. So here's to you Stuart (and you too Signy). Have a fantastic Christmas and a mind blowin New Year. (I'll be by for some Christmas Cheer next week)

Luv Angus.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

An inspiring passion for life

One of my favourite conversations with Signy is to share stories about our cats and their crazy antics. Signy’s love for her furry friend, Maggie, is just one indication of the big heart she has and the love she has to give. So I thought I would share a couple of websites that will hopefully show why we love our cats.


http://www.thecatgallery.com/cat_picture_gallery.html (make sure to click on the “funny cat pictures")

Signy’s passion for life is truly inspiring. Being around her has made me re-evaluate my life and encourage me to find meaning in the activities I choose. Her quick wit and great sense a humour makes her a great friend to have around. But it is her openness to give and share that makes her an invaluable friend to have.
P.S. In case there are any single men out there reading this blog our darling Signy is SINGLE!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

a mother lion

Signy, I will never, ever forget what you did for me and my family this
week. I was desperate - husband out of town, one child sick, not enough
child care, having to teach. I phoned you to ask if you could look after
Madeleine during a long 'lunch-hour' the next day, and almost before
I got the words out of my mouth, you were hanging up to drive over
and help me. You canceled a meeting you had been about to go to.
You stayed with us all evening while I tried to put first one child,
then the other to sleep. You brought us food and moral support. The next
day, you even cut short something important you were supposed to
do for your own health to make sure that Madeleine was looked after.
I will never forget this. One of the best things I have done for my
daughter was asking you to be her godmother. I know your fierce
mother lion protectiveness will keep her safe for many decades to
We love you.

Snap, Crackle, Pop - It's Signy

Ms. Signy,
Being around you is like eating Rice Krisipies in front of a fire--there's lots of warmth, snap, crackle, and pop!!
You''re always in the center of things, whether it's CTI gigs, organizing a "Team Signy" for the Run for the Cure, sitting in the front row of a Bare Naked Ladies concert, or networking with every single person at a BALLE event ( http://www.livingeconomies.org). From you I've learned about the benefits of nettle tea, alternative medical treatments, finishing quilting projects, and wholeheartedly flinging myself into life.
Love you lots,